Nutriver Mart Private Limited being a company having registered office at NutriverMart Private limited,1st floor,Devi complex, Opposite devi mandir,70feet Road, Saristabad Bypass road,Patna 800002,Bihar IN registered under the Companies Act 2013, it automatically comes under the supervision of the MCA (MINISTRY OF CORPORATE AFFAIRS) GOVERNMENT OF INDIA. in the registered of NIDHI RULES 2014 and Main objective is to encourage and afford all facilities for cultivating thrift ,saving habits and to render all financial assistance to its member only by receiving long and short term deposits and in particular recurring.
Learn MoreNutriver Mart Private Limited is working on new ideas to introduce health care products in the market.
we are ready to introduce Personal care products in the markets.
Few of home care products aren't introduced yet however our team is working to launch soon.
Monthly Loyality Bonus Plan is a special kind of bonus plan offered by “Nutriver Mart Private Limited”, where you can generate your income monthly.
MoreAnnual Royality Bonus Scheme is a special kind of Bonus Plan offered by “Nutriver Mart Private Limited”.
MoreMonthaly Purchasing Bonus Plan is a special kind of Bonus Plan offered by “Nutriver Mart Private Limited”.
More“Nutriver Mart Private Limited” provides various Membership benefits Schemes. Know more details please contact us.
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